Christmas Parade Information
We are number 15 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1
Dancers line up at 2:30 sharp. The parade starts at 3:00
PRESCHOOLERS do not need to arrive until 2:40. Please allow time for parking and finding our location. There may be traffic. Preschool will ride the haywagon with an adult of choice or use a stroller or wagon.
WE WILL MEET AT: The corner of Sumter and Lafayette Street in the Crossfit and Vita Eye Care parking lot. You should approach from Washington St. Lafayette and Washington streets will be closed. Do not park in this lot.
Please help your children find their group when you drop them off. There will be PARADE MOMS and our APA STAFF to help you.
PICK UP YOUR DANCERS AT: The Back of the old Cinema 4 parking lot. (Beside Truist Bank) Children may not leave the lineup before that time for safety purposes. We will have water and treat bags waiting for them in the parking lot. No cars allowed.
WEAR: (K- 12th) Green APA Sweatshirt or long-sleeve tshirt and black pants. You may wear gloves, turtlenecks, etc. that coordinate. Do not wear dance shoes. Wear tennis shoes or warm shoes you can dance in. Preschoolers wear the same and jeans or warm pants. I recommend bringing a blanket for the hay wagon, either to sit on or to cover up with. You may even throw a stroller in the back of the truck if you wish. All children riding on the haywagon must have an adult with them.
I love the Christmas Parade because it is the only event we do that we can all participate in at one time together. I am so proud of our studio and have always been so touched that so many of our dancers felt the same way and were so proud to be part of our APA family in the Christmas Parade. I think people actually look forward to seeing us in the parade. Mainly for the fact that we actually DANCE our way down the road instead of just waiving. So thank you in advance for all your hard work and I hope you have a peaceful and loving holiday.
The studio will close Dec. 20 and reopen Monday, Jan. 6.
Don’t forget all tuition and costume money must be paid before December 10th or we will be unable to order your child a costume. We surely don’t want that!!!!
Hoping you have a warm and wonderful holiday this year
Love and Peace, Miss Beth and her Staff